Take your Spiritual Guidance to a whole new level!

Seen on/worked together with:

Spirit of the rainbow
Insight Timer

Dear seeker, it's time to unravel the purpose behind your journey on this extraordinary planet. The era of forgetfulness is over. Join us at the Akashic Record School to uncover the mysteries of your existence.

Lion's Gate Ceremony
Join us Live - 8th of August
at 8pm CEST

Dive together with the Akashic Records into the most powerful Lion's Gate of the Century. Here the date is synchronistically aligned with a powerful portal that leads to incredible abundance and amazing alignment in one's life. Join us for Free!

    Unveil Profound Truths

    Ask and you shall receive—the Akashic Records hold answers to your deepest questions. From your soul's birth to this very moment, inquire about your past lives, karmic imprints, purpose on Earth, and more.

    ChatGPT for the Soul

    Just as ChatGPT revolutionizes the physical realm with its knowledge, we offer you a spiritual journey with the power of the Akashic Record; an intelligent database holding the wisdom of the universe, including your soul's journey through multiple lifetimes.

    Empower Your Journey

    Unlock the secrets of your soul, discover your unique purposes, and embrace a life of balance and beauty with the guidance of the Akashic Records.

    Meet your Guide

    Hello, dear seeker! I'm Philip Elisa, a fellow seeker on a journey towards divine union. Five years ago, I was inspired by online channels sharing profound wisdom. However, when I attempted to connect with my own guides, I heard nothing and questioned its existence.My life took a transformative turn when I discovered the Akashic Records. After practicing for two years, I was guided to become a teacher. Today, I'm honored to be a conduit for this divine practice, teaching individuals worldwide from Spain to Turkey to Costa Rica.I take spiritual seekers on a transformative journey towards alignment and abundance. It's completely possible to live a life of happiness, meaning and bliss. It's completely possible to go from feeling lost to being divinely guided EVERY DAY!Every one is different and so to serve you the best way, we can have a free introduction meeting and discuss the details

    Do you want to read the Akashic Records Yourself?

    This timeless skill has guided great Yogis, inspired visionaries like Nikola Tesla, and aided Edgar Cayce in foreseeing the future.

    Every one is able to read the records with some practice. In our initiation course you learn all about it. It's a journey that takes you by the hand and let you learn how to connect to the records in no time. Do you feel called to become an akashic record reader?

    Powerful Transformation and Soul Alignment awaits

    Every soul carries a unique vibration and so, it's important that this transformation is unique to you and your needs. Why don't we meet and schedule a call? Here we can see if we can help each other or maybe we will just have an interesting and uplifting conversation. I look forward to meet you

    What do people say?

    “I had the privilege and pleasure of sharing space with Philip for an entire month during the Costa Rica RESET Experience September 2023. Philip has such an amazing set of skills, and more importantly he really knows what it is to be an effective teacher. He listens carefully and responds in the most kind way. He creates beautiful safe space and adds to that some amazing musical gifts to take you to another plane, whether it’s an ecstatic dance, breath work, or akashic readings. I am so grateful for Philip’s continued support even after the experience. He really cares and it shows.”

    Moshe Jacobson, Psychedelic Medicine Facilitator
    @ entheo.coach

    "Philip is an incredible teacher containing immense wisdom and patience with his teaching. Under his guidance I learned to connect to the Akashic records in a way that I will eternally be grateful for. The lessons I have learned already from this practice have been helpful in guiding me through my everyday life."

    Miriam, Nutritional Expert and Artist
    @ Koena Health

    "Philip is an amazing teacher and guide. His passion is really contagious and he shares his wisdom with such care and love.
    He is very helpful and offers a lot of support which i highly appreciate. His believe in the Akashic Records and his knowledge are so strong and help me a lot when I feel stuck.
    The reading that I received gave me everything that I needed. I felt very safe and I could trust him fully.
    Thank you Phil for sharing your light with the world ❤ Much love"

    Sabine. Stress & Mindfulness Coach. Reiki Healer.
    @ Female Awakening Coaching

    “Phil is one of the kindest and most compassionate soul I've ever met. He is ridiculously skilled at capturing and translating the infinite wisdom that surrounds all of us. Doing a session with him gave me great insights into my life and my self and helped me move more gently through some challanging and confusing times. All the love to you Phil, may we work more together in the future 🙏🏻 ”

    Janneau, Student & Spiritual Seeker

    "I am very moved by Phil’s work and the clarity he brings to these Akashic teachings. His connection with his own practice is beautiful, consistent, and respectful, which shows me how he has embodied this connection and knowledge. I am so grateful for the opportunity to now connect to my own records and highest self each day. Thanks Phil and thanks to the Record Keepers!"

    Merryn Spence, Medicine Facilitator and embodiment coach,
    @ entheogration

    Enter the Akashic Records Yourself and Be Guided, Every Day!

    Seen on/worked together with:

    Spirit of the rainbow
    Insight Timer

    Ready to receive a new level of Guidance?

    This is the course that connects you safely and securely to the Akashic Records. You will be connected and channeling their divine wisdom in no time!

    Do any of these sound familiar to you?

    • You feel it is time to take your journey to the next level with a powerful new tool in your toolbox

    • You aspire to channel divine wisdom and receive guidance on a daily basis

    • You're keen to unravel the profound reasons for your presence on Earth

    • You're seeking to uncover your life's purpose and your soul's unique missions in this lifetime.

    • You yearn to immerse yourself in the embrace of unconditional love and divine vibrations but don't know how

    "...Even though I already had good and close contact with my spirit guides and helpers, I was curious whether I could dive into the 'big picture' of my soul. and thanks to your course, the last few weeks of connecting with akashic records have been so enriching. It's a completely different, intense and loving energy..."
    - Susi, Germany - enrolled in February 2024

    Meet your Guide

    Hello, dear seeker! I'm Philip Elisa, a fellow seeker on a journey towards divine union. Five years ago, I was inspired by online channels sharing profound wisdom. However, when I attempted to connect with my own guides, I heard nothing and questioned its existence.My life took a transformative turn when I discovered the Akashic Records. After practicing for two years, I was guided to become a teacher. Today, I'm honored to be a conduit for this divine practice, teaching individuals worldwide from Spain to Turkey to Costa Rica.I take spiritual seekers on a transformative journey towards alignment and abundance. It's completely possible to live a life of happiness, meaning and bliss. It's completely possible to go from feeling lost to being divinely guided EVERY DAY!This course is the easiest and most efficient method of connecting to the Akashic Records. It's a fast lane towards your own discovery of the full Self.If I can do it, you can do it too! So let's jump into the records, together!

    The Course is Designed to have you connected and talking to the Akashic Records within 3 hours

    Your connection to the records can teach you so much more than I ever teach you!

    What's inside the Course?

    The fastest way to connect to the records

    Module 1 - The Essential Information

    It's super important for me that you have your touch point as quickly as possible with the Akashic Records. This first module covers everything you need to know to connect with the right mindset and perspective.The Akashic Records will be the main information source for this course and will be the main information source for you. So the best way to let you connect is to only give you the essential and to dive after that immediately in the process of connecting

    Module 2 - How to connect

    This module covers a very reliable and powerful way to connect to the records. And there are three different methods explained here to connect, so there will be definetly one that will resonate with you.This module also shares the best practices from years of connecting and trial and error of what really works when connecting to the records. After this lesson you already know everything you need to know to connect to the records consistently and in safety.

    Module 3 - Practice Together

    We end with a guided practice. After your first touch point with the records you are initiated and you can dive into the records every day, as you please.It's important to notice that all of these lessons are vibrationaly encoded with Akashic Record frequencies, so it will feel as if we are practicing in the same room. Amplifying each others energy.

    And there is way More!

    The Course comes with a whole load of bonus content to make it very easy to keep you consistent.

    Bonus 1: Mini Course into Muscle Testing

    Bonus 2: guided practice sessions with Philip

    Bonus 3: Translation in Dutch and Spanish

    Bonus 4: Akashic Journalling Prompts

    Bonus 5: Opportunity to join the community

    All of this, and a lifetime skill of tapping into the Akashic Field

    Akashic Record Initiation

    • Access to the full course and your fastlane to a great akashic record connection

    • Vibrationally charged videos and energy activations

    • Tons of accountability and consistency tools to keep you learning this skill

    • A lifelong skill of accessing your akashic records

    • Regular updates and added bonusses

    • Monthly calls to ask questions and practice together

    • Lifetime access to the course

    Limited time for just

    €333 €125,-

    Make sure you fill the form after checkout to complete your enrolment

    What do people say?

    “I had the privilege and pleasure of sharing space with Philip for an entire month during the Costa Rica RESET Experience September 2023. Philip has such an amazing set of skills, and more importantly he really knows what it is to be an effective teacher. He listens carefully and responds in the most kind way. He creates beautiful safe space and adds to that some amazing musical gifts to take you to another plane, whether it’s an ecstatic dance, breath work, or akashic readings. I am so grateful for Philip’s continued support even after the experience. He really cares and it shows.”

    Moshe Jacobson, Psychedelic Medicine Facilitator
    @ entheo.coach

    ""..🙏🏼 Thank you so much for this course! I have gained so much in the last few weeks through Akashic Records. Even though I already had good and close contact with my spirit guides and helpers, I was curious whether I could dive into the 'big picture' of my soul. and thanks to your course, the last few weeks of connecting with akashic records have been so enriching. It's a completely different, intense and loving energy 🙏🏼 It helps me a lot to be on my path and to be aware of it. I'm excited about the opportunities that still await me!..""

    Susi, Intuitive & Mother of 3

    "Philip is an amazing teacher and guide. His passion is really contagious and he shares his wisdom with such care and love.
    He is very helpful and offers a lot of support which i highly appreciate. His believe in the Akashic Records and his knowledge are so strong and help me a lot when I feel stuck.
    The reading that I received gave me everything that I needed. I felt very safe and I could trust him fully.
    Thank you Phil for sharing your light with the world ❤ Much love"

    Sabine. Stress & Mindfulness Coach. Reiki Healer.
    @ Female Awakening Coaching

    “Phil is one of the kindest and most compassionate soul I've ever met. He is ridiculously skilled at capturing and translating the infinite wisdom that surrounds all of us. Doing a session with him gave me great insights into my life and my self and helped me move more gently through some challanging and confusing times. All the love to you Phil, may we work more together in the future 🙏🏻 ”

    Janneau, Student & Spiritual Seeker

    "Philip is an incredible teacher containing immense wisdom and patience with his teaching. Under his guidance I learned to connect to the Akashic records in a way that I will eternally be grateful for. The lessons I have learned already from this practice have been helpful in guiding me through my everyday life."

    Miriam, Nutritional Expert & Artist
    @ Koena Health

    "I am very moved by Phil’s work and the clarity he brings to these Akashic teachings. His connection with his own practice is beautiful, consistent, and respectful, which shows me how he has embodied this connection and knowledge. I am so grateful for the opportunity to now connect to my own records and highest self each day. Thanks Phil and thanks to the Record Keepers!"

    Merryn Spence, Medicine Facilitator & embodiment coach,
    @ entheogration

    Experience an Akashic Initiation LIVE

    Upcoming Events

    Lion Gate Ceremony
    Live, Online - 8th of August
    at 8pm CEST

    Dive together with the Akashic Records into the most powerful Lion's Gate of the Century. Here the date is synchronistically aligned with a powerful portal that leads to incredible abundance and amazing alignment in one's life. Join us for Free!

      Join a group of like minded individuals and THRIVE

      A completely guided journey towards full alignment in career and financial prosperity

      This Journey is for you if..

      • You're in a 9-5 job that is sucking your Soul, and you know there is more available to you than selling your soul for some salary in a job you don't like.

      • You are currently in the financial limbo, having minimal income and you have fears about paying the rent and if you are going to make it to the end of the month

      • You want to switch profession for a while, but you didn't do it yet.

      • You're seeking to uncover your life's purpose and your soul's unique missions in this lifetime.

      • You are done with your current financial situation and you want to take it to the next level.

      Don't Worry! I have been in this situation myself and I got you!

      Without the Akashic Record Connection that I have practiced over the years, I do not know if I would have made it to the other side. And so that is why I am so excited to give the akashic record wisdom to you while you are going through this journey.
      There have been many pivotal moments where the akashic records have pulled me through and changed my perspective.
      It is vital to have some divine guidance close to you that can show you the way and keeps you in line with your true dreams

      It's time to get out of the rud and THRIVE!

      From 9-5 to FULLY THRIVE journey

      • Access to the full course and your fastlane to a great akashic record connection

      • 4 months channeled journey to transform your career path and your way of service

      • An intimate group of like minded individuals

      • A lifelong skill of accessing your akashic records

      • Weekly calls with recordings available the same day

      • Monthly calls to ask questions and practice together

      • Lifetime access to the course and the journey!

      It's time to THRIVE

      Application Closed!

      There will be another round soon

      Make sure you fill the form after checkout to complete your enrolment

      More information and context on this course!

      Join us on ZOOM for a powerful channeling and meditation!

      Join a group of like minded individuals and THRIVE

      By filling in the form below you get invited to 2 introduction calls that tell you everything about this journey

      Next round will be around September 2024

      You will receive an email with some ZOOM registration links, please register to receive the meeting details!

      New: Akashic Record Coaching

      A unique 8-week journey of soul alignment and transformation. Let yourself be embraced by the akashic records. Receive a reading every two weeks and learn how to manifest with the Akashic Records

      Unveil Profound Truths

      Ask and you shall receive—the Akashic Records hold answers to your deepest questions. From your soul's birth to this very moment, inquire about your past lives, karmic imprints, purpose on Earth, and more.

      ChatGPT for the Soul

      Just as ChatGPT revolutionizes the physical realm with its knowledge, we offer you a spiritual journey with the power of the Akashic Record; an intelligent database holding the wisdom of the universe, including your soul's journey through multiple lifetimes.

      Empower Your Journey

      Unlock the secrets of your soul, discover your unique purposes, and embrace a life of balance and beauty with the guidance of the Akashic Records.


      A Doorway to your Soul

      Akashic Readings give you a higher dimensional perspective on your current life and what brought you here on earth. It's incredibly soothing to here advice from this place as we humans can forget how special our lives really are.

      Ancient Wisdom, Modern Experience

      This timeless skill has guided great Yogis, inspired visionaries like Nikola Tesla, and aided Edgar Cayce in foreseeing the future. Now, it's your turn to tap into this profound tool. Are you ready to learn it for yourself?

      Explore the Curriculum

      Gain an initiation into the Akasha, connect with fellow seekers, and participate in daily practice sessions. Within a month, you'll become fluent in reading the records. Optional advanced techniques and lessons await those eager to delve deeper.When you apply for the school, you get:

      • An initiation to the akashic records

      • Three unique prayers to connect with the Akasha

      • The ability to read your own records and the records of others (providing readings)

      • Future advanced lessons and techniques

      • Community sessions where we connect together

      • You will be fluent in reading the Akashic Records in less then a month (if you practice consistently)

      The Journey Awaits

      This contribution grants you access to a lifetime skill—unlocking the answers that will guide you towards excellence and balance in life.In the month of February 2024 we transforming the Group Sessions and the Community. You can apply and all will be available in March!

      Meet your teacher

      Hello, dear seeker! I'm Philip Elisa, a fellow seeker on a journey towards divine union. Five years ago, I was inspired by online channels sharing profound wisdom. However, when I attempted to connect with my own guides, I heard nothing and questioned its existence.My life took a transformative turn when I discovered the Akashic Records. After practicing for two years, I was guided to become a teacher. Today, I'm honored to be a conduit for this divine practice, teaching individuals worldwide from Spain to Turkey to Costa Rica.One key aspect of my teaching is the emphasis on consistency and community. Staying consistent is crucial in the beginning, and I'm here to support you. Community is everything; having a group of fellow Akashic Record readers to share and learn with is invaluable. The school will have many tools to give you this community and consistency.It’s such a joy for me to teach this skill that gave me personally so much guidance and comfort! I look forward meeting you in class

      Every Akashic Initiation is a unique journey

      Every Akashic Initiation is a one-of-a-kind journey. To offer you a clearer picture of the transformative path that awaits you upon applying for an initiation at the Akashic Record School, we've outlined a timeline of the included events:

      1. The initial Akashic Record transmission: This 4-hour session will give you all you need to connect with your personal records.

      2. A lesson on enhancing your connection and building trust in the channeling process: This 2-hour session provides a stable foundation to connect with ease.

      3. Discover how to connect to the records of others in a 2-hour lesson, equipping you to become an Akashic Record Reader.

      4. Explore the healing of past-life vows and learn to free yourself from any lingering past-life effects during a 2-hour session.

      5. Practice and connect with fellow readers in a continuous daily timeslot that can be added to your calendar.

      6. Gain access to our community WhatsApp group, where divine connections and invaluable support await.

      The best part? All sessions are live! Each group and individual is unique, ensuring that every initiation is finely tuned to your needsAll group classes are currently planned at 7pm CET


      “I had the privilege and pleasure of sharing space with Philip for an entire month during the Costa Rica RESET Experience September 2023. Philip has such an amazing set of skills, and more importantly he really knows what it is to be an effective teacher. He listens carefully and responds in the most kind way. He creates beautiful safe space and adds to that some amazing musical gifts to take you to another plane, whether it’s an ecstatic dance, breath work, or akashic readings. I am so grateful for Philip’s continued support even after the experience. He really cares and it shows.”

      Moshe Jacobson, Psychedelic Medicine Facilitator
      @ entheo.coach

      "Philip is an incredible teacher containing immense wisdom and patience with his teaching. Under his guidance I learned to connect to the Akashic records in a way that I will eternally be grateful for. The lessons I have learned already from this practice have been helpful in guiding me through my everyday life."

      Miriam, Nutritional Expert and Artist
      @ Koena Health

      "Philip is an amazing teacher and guide. His passion is really contagious and he shares his wisdom with such care and love.
      He is very helpful and offers a lot of support which i highly appreciate. His believe in the Akashic Records and his knowledge are so strong and help me a lot when I feel stuck.
      The reading that I received gave me everything that I needed. I felt very safe and I could trust him fully.
      Thank you Phil for sharing your light with the world ❤ Much love"

      Sabine. Stress & Mindfulness Coach. Reiki Healer.
      @ Female Awakening Coaching

      “Phil is one of the kindest and most compassionate soul I've ever met. He is ridiculously skilled at capturing and translating the infinite wisdom that surrounds all of us. Doing a session with him gave me great insights into my life and my self and helped me move more gently through some challanging and confusing times. All the love to you Phil, may we work more together in the future 🙏🏻 ”

      Janneau, Student & Spiritual Seeker

      "I am very moved by Phil’s work and the clarity he brings to these Akashic teachings. His connection with his own practice is beautiful, consistent, and respectful, which shows me how he has embodied this connection and knowledge. I am so grateful for the opportunity to now connect to my own records and highest self each day. Thanks Phil and thanks to the Record Keepers!"

      Merryn Spence, Medicine Facilitator and embodiment coach,
      @ entheogration

      Ready to join the Akasha?

      See all ways of learning this profound skill

      Private Initiation

      Private reading

      Course Initiation

      Group session

      Couple Initiation

      Couple Initiation

      Do you have any questions?

      Visit our contact form here and we will reply as soon as possible!


      Feel free to contact us


      What questions can I ask to the akashic records?

      You are able to ask anything from your very birth as a soul all the way to the moment you are readying this. You can ask…

      • Where you were first born

      • On which planets you have lived

      • If there is any karma from past lifetimes

      • What you came to learn and contribute here on earth

      • Why you chose your parents

      • What your purposes are at this moment

      • Why you have the weird habit to do X when everyone else does Y

      • What is best for you this week to do

      • How you can live a life of balance, structure and beauty

      • And so much more…

      The possibilities are infinite and the questions will be tailored to you, it will be received by your mind, in your language, ready to help you achieve excellence and balance in life.

      What time do the group lessons start?

      Our next class starts the 3rd of March. You can join us through Zoom.The Group classes are originally planned at 7pm CET so every person in Europe and the Americas can make it with ease!Are you not able to make it live? No worries, the recordings are all provided for you in the class drive!

      What if I am not able to connect or don't feel it?

      If you are experienced in meditation, rest assured that you will connect and feel the profound impact from day one. For those new to the practice, you'll experience the difference within the first week of connecting with us.

      Am I opening up to dark forces and energies by practicing this?

      No need to worry. Our connection method relies on the power of prayer and words, ensuring complete protection. You will not be exposed to negative or dark forces.

      How does the application process work?

      You can book whichever service suits you best and will be directed to a checkout page. After checkout, within 48 hours, a personal message from Philip Elisa will appear in your inbox with all the details.In case of a group class, you will be given the connection link to the classIn case of Private and Couple classes, you will be directed to a page where you can immediately book your first lesson

      Why is this so cheap?

      We are immensely grateful to share this skill with others. Though we'd love to offer it for free, building a school and establishing physical centers worldwide incur costs. Our price is set at the minimum to enable as many people as possible to experience and learn with ample support.

      What do I need to bring to class?

      All you need is a pen and a dedicated notebook (preferably new) for this practice. Rest assured, we'll provide all other materials required for the class.

      Can I ask a question to the teacher before the first class?

      Absolutely! After applying through the contact form on our website, you'll have the opportunity to schedule a call to address any questions or concerns with our teacher.If you have any more questions or are eager to begin this transformative journey, apply now and secure your spot at the Akashic Record School.

      Back to your preferred way of learning the Akashic Records

      Private Initiation

      Private reading

      Group Class Initiation

      Group session

      Couple Initiation

      Couple Initiation

      Private Akashic Initiation

      Private session big

      Allow yourself to be personally guided on this exclusive journey. Release the burdens of daily life and ascend into a realm of divine guidance, growth, and creation.

      Personalized Guidance and Support: Your Fastest Path to Mastering the Akashic Records

      Through this service, you'll have full control over your journey, including the planning of each session and dedicated time for asking questions and receiving personalized tips and tricks to accelerate your progress.

      This is for you if...

      • If you desire the premium experience of a personalized 1-on-1 session with dedicated guidance and support.

      • If you're determined to acquire this skill as swiftly as possible but prefer an individual learning approach over group classes.

      • If you're prepared to ascend to the next level and wish to pursue your journey at your own pace with personalized support.

      • If you thrive with a private teacher as your mentor.

      • If you aspire to channel divine wisdom and guidance on a daily basis.

      • If you've had an Akashic Record reading before and are now ready to learn the art yourself.

      • If you're determined to personally break free from the chains of past lives that may be holding you back in this one.

      • If you're keen to unravel the profound reasons for your presence on Earth.

      • If you're seeking to uncover your life's purpose and your soul's unique missions in this lifetime.

      • If you find it challenging to recognize your own uniqueness.

      • If you yearn to immerse yourself in the embrace of unconditional love and divine vibrations every single day.

      a Tailored Initiation for a Unique Individual

      Experience the freedom of learning with full personal guidance and support. Here, we walk beside you, providing a VIP tour of the Akashic Records. You'll discover exclusive methods to connect with the records, ones not shared in group classes.

      Lessons Overview

      To give you some more clarity on the journey that awaits you when you apply for a Private Initiation at the akashic record school we provide you with a timeline of the events that are included when you apply:

      1. The initial Akashic Record transmission: This 4-hour session will give you all you need to connect with your personal records.

      2. A lesson on enhancing your connection and building trust in the channeling process: This 2-hour session provides a stable foundation to connect with ease.

      3. Discover how to connect to the records of others in a 2-hour lesson, equipping you to become an Akashic Record Reader.

      4. Explore the healing of past-life vows and learn to free yourself from any lingering past-life effects during a 2-hour session.

      5. Practice and connect with fellow readers in a continuous daily timeslot that can be added to your calendar.

      6. Unique exercises and accountability structure that are personally designed for you by the teacher.

      7. Gain access to our community WhatsApp group, where divine connections and invaluable support await.

      The best part? All sessions are live! and you decide when the sessions are!
      Each soul is unique, ensuring that every initiation is finely tuned to your needs.
      All classes will be planned together using calendly

      Book Your Unique Akashic Journey here!

      When you click "Book now" you will be redirected to our personal scheduling tool where you can find a date that suites you. You will book the first initial transmission here, the lessons after will be arranged directly with the teacher.

      Private Akashic Initiation

      Private reading
      Private reading
      Private reading



      “I had the privilege and pleasure of sharing space with Philip for an entire month during the Costa Rica RESET Experience September 2023. Philip has such an amazing set of skills, and more importantly he really knows what it is to be an effective teacher. He listens carefully and responds in the most kind way. He creates beautiful safe space and adds to that some amazing musical gifts to take you to another plane, whether it’s an ecstatic dance, breath work, or akashic readings. I am so grateful for Philip’s continued support even after the experience. He really cares and it shows.”

      Moshe Jacobson, Psychedelic Medicine Facilitator
      @ entheo.coach

      "Philip is an incredible teacher containing immense wisdom and patience with his teaching. Under his guidance I learned to connect to the Akashic records in a way that I will eternally be grateful for. The lessons I have learned already from this practice have been helpful in guiding me through my everyday life."

      Miriam, Nutritional Expert and Artist
      @ Koena Health

      "Philip is an amazing teacher and guide. His passion is really contagious and he shares his wisdom with such care and love.
      He is very helpful and offers a lot of support which i highly appreciate. His believe in the Akashic Records and his knowledge are so strong and help me a lot when I feel stuck.
      The reading that I received gave me everything that I needed. I felt very safe and I could trust him fully.
      Thank you Phil for sharing your light with the world ❤ Much love"

      Sabine. Stress & Mindfulness Coach. Reiki Healer.
      @ Female Awakening Coaching

      “Phil is one of the kindest and most compassionate soul I've ever met. He is ridiculously skilled at capturing and translating the infinite wisdom that surrounds all of us. Doing a session with him gave me great insights into my life and my self and helped me move more gently through some challanging and confusing times. All the love to you Phil, may we work more together in the future 🙏🏻 ”

      Janneau, Student & Spiritual Seeker

      "I am very moved by Phil’s work and the clarity he brings to these Akashic teachings. His connection with his own practice is beautiful, consistent, and respectful, which shows me how he has embodied this connection and knowledge. I am so grateful for the opportunity to now connect to my own records and highest self each day. Thanks Phil and thanks to the Record Keepers!"

      Merryn Spence, Medicine Facilitator and embodiment coach,
      @ entheogration

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Go to our FAQ page right here


      Akashic Couple Initiation

      Private session big

      Experience this magical practice together with your loved one! Jumping into this practice as a couple is a wonderful way to share this profound journey.

      Cheers to all the spiritually aware couples on this planet!

      If you're interested in this page, it means you are in a truly beautiful partnership with a very special someone. Both of you share a vibration that goes far beyond the ordinary. Thank you for the journey you've embarked on thus far, and thank you for coming together in this lifetime!

      This is for you if...

      • If you and your beloved are eager to embark on this transformative journey together.

      • If you're ready to open a new chapter in your love life and start a shared practice.

      • If you've always felt a deep soul connection that extends beyond this lifetime, and you're ready to explore your true past together.

      • If you aspire to channel divine wisdom and guidance and share it on a daily basis.

      • If one of you had an Akashic Record reading before and are now ready to learn the art yourself.

      • If you're determined to personally break free from the chains of past lives that may be holding you back in this one.

      • If you're keen to unravel the profound reasons for your presence on Earth.

      • If you're seeking to uncover your life's purpose and your soul's unique missions in this lifetime.

      • If you find it challenging to recognize your own uniqueness.

      • If you yearn to immerse yourself in the embrace of unconditional love and divine vibrations every single day.

      Boost every aspect of your life and your partnership

      Here, you'll gain the opportunity to ask questions about your personal life and your love life. You'll discover what works and what can be improved. You'll also gain insights into whether certain triggers stem from past relationships or past lives, and you'll receive guidance on the most aligned ways to release these patterns. This is a genuine practice that lets you connect with each other on a soul-to-soul level in a deeper way.

      Every Couple is a unique, and so is this journey

      To give you some more clarity on the journey that awaits you when you apply for any initiation at the akashic record school we provide you with a timeline of the events that are included when you apply:

      1. The initial Akashic Record transmission: This 4-hour session will give you all you need to connect with your personal records.

      2. A lesson on enhancing your connection and building trust in the channeling process: This 2-hour session provides a stable foundation to connect with ease.

      3. Discover how to connect to the records of others in a 2-hour lesson, equipping you to become an Akashic Record Reader.

      4. Explore the healing of past-life vows and learn to free yourself from any lingering past-life effects during a 2-hour session.

      5. Practice and connect with fellow readers in a continuous daily timeslot that can be added to your calendar.

      6. Unique exercises that are designed for couples or great friends venturing together into the Akashic Records

      7. Gain access to our community WhatsApp group, where divine connections and invaluable support await.

      The best part? All sessions are live! and you decide when the sessions are!
      Each couple is unique, ensuring that every initiation is finely tuned to your needs.
      All classes will be planned together using calendly

      Perfect for Couples or Great friends

      Within the Akashic Record School, you'll discover a collection of uniquely designed exercises meant to be experienced by couples or cherished friends journeying together into the Akashic Records. These exercises have been thoughtfully crafted to enhance the shared exploration of this profound realm, fostering a deeper connection between participants and nurturing the bonds of your relationship. It's an opportunity to embark on a joint adventure of self-discovery and spiritual growth, all while strengthening the connection between you and your loved one.

      Book your joint adventure here!

      When you click "Book now" you will be redirected to our personal scheduling tool where you can find a date that suites you. You will book the first initial transmission here, the lessons after will be arranged directly with the teacher.

      Akashic Couple Initiation

      Private reading
      Private reading
      Private reading



      “I had the privilege and pleasure of sharing space with Philip for an entire month during the Costa Rica RESET Experience September 2023. Philip has such an amazing set of skills, and more importantly he really knows what it is to be an effective teacher. He listens carefully and responds in the most kind way. He creates beautiful safe space and adds to that some amazing musical gifts to take you to another plane, whether it’s an ecstatic dance, breath work, or akashic readings. I am so grateful for Philip’s continued support even after the experience. He really cares and it shows.”

      Moshe Jacobson, Psychedelic Medicine Facilitator
      @ entheo.coach

      "Philip is an incredible teacher containing immense wisdom and patience with his teaching. Under his guidance I learned to connect to the Akashic records in a way that I will eternally be grateful for. The lessons I have learned already from this practice have been helpful in guiding me through my everyday life."

      Miriam, Nutritional Expert and Artist
      @ Koena Health

      "Philip is an amazing teacher and guide. His passion is really contagious and he shares his wisdom with such care and love.
      He is very helpful and offers a lot of support which i highly appreciate. His believe in the Akashic Records and his knowledge are so strong and help me a lot when I feel stuck.
      The reading that I received gave me everything that I needed. I felt very safe and I could trust him fully.
      Thank you Phil for sharing your light with the world ❤ Much love"

      Sabine. Stress & Mindfulness Coach. Reiki Healer.
      @ Female Awakening Coaching

      “Phil is one of the kindest and most compassionate soul I've ever met. He is ridiculously skilled at capturing and translating the infinite wisdom that surrounds all of us. Doing a session with him gave me great insights into my life and my self and helped me move more gently through some challanging and confusing times. All the love to you Phil, may we work more together in the future 🙏🏻 ”

      Janneau, Student & Spiritual Seeker

      "I am very moved by Phil’s work and the clarity he brings to these Akashic teachings. His connection with his own practice is beautiful, consistent, and respectful, which shows me how he has embodied this connection and knowledge. I am so grateful for the opportunity to now connect to my own records and highest self each day. Thanks Phil and thanks to the Record Keepers!"

      Merryn Spence, Medicine Facilitator and embodiment coach,
      @ entheogration

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Go to our FAQ page right here


      Akashic Group Initiation

      Private session big

      our Group Lessons are going through a transformation this Month

      Be the first one to join this updated format!

      The synergy of a group of fellow students is truly invaluable, especially when delving into the Akashic Records. Each member magnifies the group's collective energy, creating a supportive environment where you aid one another on this transformative journey.

      Are You Ready for Your Journey into the School of Magic?

      If there's one enchanting skill to master, it's the Akashic Records. Here, you'll delve into the realms of magical spells, divination, and channeling. You'll learn the art of crafting magic in your life alongside a group of fellow witches and wizards. Welcome to the Akashic Record School: As magical as any school can be.

      This is for you if...

      • If you're eager to elevate your spiritual practice to new heights.

      • If you aspire to channel divine wisdom and guidance on a daily basis.

      • If you've had an Akashic Record reading before and are now ready to learn the art yourself.

      • If you're determined to personally break free from the chains of past lives that may be holding you back in this one.

      • If you're keen to unravel the profound reasons for your presence on Earth.

      • If you're seeking to uncover your life's purpose and your soul's unique missions in this lifetime.

      • If you find it challenging to recognize your own uniqueness.

      • If you yearn to immerse yourself in the embrace of unconditional love and divine vibrations every single day.

      • If you thrive in group dynamics or like to have fellow students at your side to share this experience with.

      The easiest way to connect to the Akasha

      The group experience offers the most affordable option in our school, along with the added bonus of sharing your class with a delightful community of fellow students. It's a school experience like no other, where learning is both enjoyable and enchanting.

      Every Akashic Initiation is a unique journey

      Every Akashic Initiation is a one-of-a-kind journey. To offer you a clearer picture of the transformative path that awaits you upon applying for an initiation at the Akashic Record School, we've outlined a timeline of the included events:

      1. The initial Akashic Record transmission: This 3-hour session will give you all you need to connect with your personal records.

      2. A lesson on enhancing your connection and building trust in the channeling process: This 2-hour session provides a stable foundation to connect with ease.

      3. Discover how to connect to the records of others in a 2-hour lesson, equipping you to become an Akashic Record Reader.

      4. Explore the healing of past-life vows and learn to free yourself from any lingering past-life effects during a 2-hour session.

      5. Practice and connect with fellow readers in a continuous daily timeslot that can be added to your calendar.

      6. Gain access to our community WhatsApp group, where divine connections and invaluable support await.

      The best part? All sessions are live! Each group and individual is unique, ensuring that every initiation is finely tuned to your needsAll group classes are currently planned at 7pm CET

      "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."
      - African proverb

      Apply to the next group lesson of the Akashic Record School

      When you click "Apply now" you will be redirected to our checkout page. After the checkout is succeeded you will receive an email with all the details to join the next class. It can take up to 48 hours for the mail to arrive because every student is received personally and blessed with divine energy to ensure the most easeful and harmonious journey into the akasha.

      Akashic Group Initiation

      Private reading

      Currently we are creating an updated course curriculum for all who want to learn and join the community

      Join the waiting list here

      All price options give you the access to the full package, We just want to make the Akashic Records as accessible as possible for everyone


      “I had the privilege and pleasure of sharing space with Philip for an entire month during the Costa Rica RESET Experience September 2023. Philip has such an amazing set of skills, and more importantly he really knows what it is to be an effective teacher. He listens carefully and responds in the most kind way. He creates beautiful safe space and adds to that some amazing musical gifts to take you to another plane, whether it’s an ecstatic dance, breath work, or akashic readings. I am so grateful for Philip’s continued support even after the experience. He really cares and it shows.”

      Moshe Jacobson, Psychedelic Medicine Facilitator
      @ entheo.coach

      "Philip is an incredible teacher containing immense wisdom and patience with his teaching. Under his guidance I learned to connect to the Akashic records in a way that I will eternally be grateful for. The lessons I have learned already from this practice have been helpful in guiding me through my everyday life."

      Miriam, Nutritional Expert and Artist
      @ Koena Health

      "Philip is an amazing teacher and guide. His passion is really contagious and he shares his wisdom with such care and love.
      He is very helpful and offers a lot of support which i highly appreciate. His believe in the Akashic Records and his knowledge are so strong and help me a lot when I feel stuck.
      The reading that I received gave me everything that I needed. I felt very safe and I could trust him fully.
      Thank you Phil for sharing your light with the world ❤ Much love"

      Sabine. Stress & Mindfulness Coach. Reiki Healer.
      @ Female Awakening Coaching

      “Phil is one of the kindest and most compassionate soul I've ever met. He is ridiculously skilled at capturing and translating the infinite wisdom that surrounds all of us. Doing a session with him gave me great insights into my life and my self and helped me move more gently through some challanging and confusing times. All the love to you Phil, may we work more together in the future 🙏🏻 ”

      Janneau, Student & Spiritual Seeker

      "I am very moved by Phil’s work and the clarity he brings to these Akashic teachings. His connection with his own practice is beautiful, consistent, and respectful, which shows me how he has embodied this connection and knowledge. I am so grateful for the opportunity to now connect to my own records and highest self each day. Thanks Phil and thanks to the Record Keepers!"

      Merryn Spence, Medicine Facilitator and embodiment coach,
      @ entheogration

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Go to our FAQ page right here


      "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."
      - African proverb

      The Updated Curriculum will Release in MARCH 2024

      our Group Lessons are going through a transformation this Month

      Be the first one to join this updated format!

      When you click "Apply now" you will be redirected to our checkout page. After the checkout is succeeded you will receive an email with all the details to join the next class. It can take up to 48 hours for the mail to arrive because every student is received personally and blessed with divine energy to ensure the most easeful and harmonious journey into the akasha.

      Akashic Group Initiation

      Private reading

      Currently we are creating an updated course curriculum for all who want to learn and join the community

      Join the waiting list here

      All price options give you the access to the full package, We just want to make the Akashic Records as accessible as possible for everyone

      Need more info or want to learn in a different way?

      Private Initiation

      Private reading

      Couple Initiation

      Couple Initiation

      Thank you for being here, and thank you for being You!

      Would you like to explore your own soul and get back into alignment in your life?You can book an akashic record reading here:


      Akashic Coaching

      Looking for a complete life transformation with full assistance of your akashic records??

      This service is for unique individuals that want to drastically change their life. Is that you? Contact us now and we will schedule a call to assist you with all the information.

      In this period you will:

      • Receive 4 readings every month

      • Receive coaching on living in full Alignment

      • Have integration sessions to fully integrate all the guidance

      • Let your live be transformed with the Akashic Records

      Are you interested? Let's hop on a call to see if we are a good match to work with each other.
      You can do that by filling in the form below

      Currently all spots are booked

      This waiting list makes sure you will be one of the first who gets contacted to dive into Akashic Transformation


      Thank you so much!

      It such an honor to do this reading for you!To optimally prepare you can think of areas of your life or specific topics you want to work on.
      This can for example be "I want to focus on my love life" or "Let me find more structure in my day so that I can do what I truly love".
      You can already prepare questions but you do not have to tell them to me. Keep them for yourself until the reading starts.
      The less I knows, the better ;)
      Looking forward and see you at our session together!- Phil


      Thank you so much!

      It such an honor to do this reading for you!To optimally prepare you can think of areas of your life or specific topics you want to work on.
      This can for example be "I want to focus on my love life" or "Let me find more structure in my day so that I can do what I truly love".
      Also fill out this form below to fully complete the registration!After filling the form there will appear a mail in your mailbox with a magical scheduling link.- Philip


      Thank you so much!

      It such an honor to do this reading for you!To optimally prepare you can think of areas of your life or specific topics you want to work on.
      This can for example be "I want to focus on my love life" or "Let me find more structure in my day so that I can do what I truly love".
      Also fill out this form below to fully complete the registration!After filling the form there will appear a mail in your mailbox with a magical scheduling link.- Philip


      Thank you so much!

      Welcome to the Akashic Record School. We are deeply honored to have your beautiful soul as one of our cherished students.To ensure you're fully prepared for our upcoming lesson, please bring a notebook with you. It's ideal to use a new one, as you'll be doing a significant amount of writing and channeling in this practice. Additionally, bring two pens of different colors to enhance your learning experience.You will be able to read your records and the records of others in no time!
      Welcome to this magical journey!
      - Phil


      Thank you so much!

      Welcome to the Akashic Record School. We are deeply honored to have your beautiful soul as one of our cherished students.Let's plan our first lesson! That can be done by mailing your preferred dates in the contact form below.You will be able to read your records and the records of others in no time!
      Welcome to this magical journey!
      - Phil


      Personal Akashic Reading

      Private session big

      Dear one, receiving an Akashic Reading is a portal into your life and into your journey as a soul—from the very first conceiving of your vibration to every reincarnation you have lived. You have the opportunity to dive into this portal together with Philip Elisa.

      Ask all that is on your heart

      In these readings, you can ask all the questions you have for Philip Elisa. He will utilize his many years of experience to channel the wisdom that comes from the records as clearly as possible. You will have the opportunity to ask follow-up questions until everything is fully clear to you!

      This is for you if...

      • If you're eager to discover more about your current lifetime, including your purpose, your Soul's missions, and what you've come here to do.

      • If you're seeking to heal the lingering effects of past lives that you're currently experiencing.

      • If you desire clarity on specific events in your life, and you'd like a divine perspective on them.

      • If your life feels shrouded in uncertainty, and you're yearning for immediate, profound clarity.

      • If you're looking to fortify your connection with your guides, angels, and ancestors who are part of your divine support team.

      • If you're ready to heal a substantial aspect of your life, whether it's related to Love, Money, Purpose, emotional wellbeing, or mental wellbeing.

      • If you're simply curious about unraveling the mysteries of this incredible journey called life.

      If you're unsure about what to ask but seek guidance in your life, rest assured. You are fully supported in a non-judgmental and safe space. Anything can be discussed, and Philip will assist in formulating questions for you before we connect with the Akashic Records.

      Meet your guide

      Hello, dear seeker! I'm Philip Elisa, a fellow seeker on a journey towards divine union. Five years ago, I was inspired by online channels sharing profound wisdom. However, when I attempted to connect with my own guides, I heard nothing and questioned its existence.My life took a transformative turn when I discovered the Akashic Records. After practicing for two years, I was guided to become a teacher. Today, I'm honored to be a conduit for this divine practice, teaching individuals worldwide from Spain to Turkey to Costa Rica.In addition to his teaching, I offer personal readings and a truly unique service: Akashic Record Coaching. I take immense joy in providing individuals with direct access to the records, saving them the time it would typically require to read them. In these sessions, I act as your guide and open the gateway to the Akashic Records. All you need is an intention; leave the rest to Me.

      Book your Akashic Record Reading here

      Currently all spots are booked

      The Waiting list on the Home page makes sure you will be one of the first to dive into Akashic Transformation

      Before the Reading:
      When you click the "Book now" button, you'll be directed to the checkout page, after succesful payment you will be redirected to a scheduling page where you can select a date and time for your reading that suits you best. At this stage, you can also provide any additional information and even start formulating the questions you'd like to ask during the reading.
      After completing your booking and going through the checkout process, you'll receive an email containing your personal meeting link and a calendar invite. This allows you to add your reading directly to your calendar.After the Reading:
      Following your reading, you will receive both a recording and a written document, both of which are included in the price. We recommend drinking plenty of water after the session and revisiting the reading at least 24 hours afterward to gain further insights.


      “I had the privilege and pleasure of sharing space with Philip for an entire month during the Costa Rica RESET Experience September 2023. Philip has such an amazing set of skills, and more importantly he really knows what it is to be an effective teacher. He listens carefully and responds in the most kind way. He creates beautiful safe space and adds to that some amazing musical gifts to take you to another plane, whether it’s an ecstatic dance, breath work, or akashic readings. I am so grateful for Philip’s continued support even after the experience. He really cares and it shows.”

      Moshe Jacobson, Psychedelic Medicine Facilitator
      @ entheo.coach

      "Philip is an incredible teacher containing immense wisdom and patience with his teaching. Under his guidance I learned to connect to the Akashic records in a way that I will eternally be grateful for. The lessons I have learned already from this practice have been helpful in guiding me through my everyday life."

      Miriam, Nutritional Expert and Artist

      "Philip is an amazing teacher and guide. His passion is really contagious and he shares his wisdom with such care and love.
      He is very helpful and offers a lot of support which i highly appreciate. His believe in the Akashic Records and his knowledge are so strong and help me a lot when I feel stuck.
      The reading that I received gave me everything that I needed. I felt very safe and I could trust him fully.
      Thank you Phil for sharing your light with the world ❤ Much love"

      Sabine, Female awakening Coach
      @ Female Awakening Coaching

      “Phil is one of the kindest and most compassionate soul I've ever met. He is ridiculously skilled at capturing and translating the infinite wisdom that surrounds all of us. Doing a session with him gave me great insights into my life and my self and helped me move more gently through some challanging and confusing times. All the love to you Phil, may we work more together in the future 🙏🏻 ”

      Janneau, Student & Spiritual Seeker

      "I am very moved by Phil’s work and the clarity he brings to these Akashic teachings. His connection with his own practice is beautiful, consistent, and respectful, which shows me how he has embodied this connection and knowledge. I am so grateful for the opportunity to now connect to my own records and highest self each day. Thanks Phil and thanks to the Record Keepers!"

      Merryn Spence, Medicine Facilitator and embodiment coach,
      @ entheogration


      Personal Akashic Reading

      Private session big

      Dear one, receiving an Akashic Reading is a portal into your life and into your journey as a soul—from the very first conceiving of your vibration to every reincarnation you have lived. You have the opportunity to dive into this portal together with Philip Elisa.

      Ask all that is on your heart

      In these readings, you can ask all the questions you have for Philip Elisa. He will utilize his many years of experience to channel the wisdom that comes from the records as clearly as possible. You will have the opportunity to ask follow-up questions until everything is fully clear to you!

      Book your Akashic Record Reading here

      I am only doing 10 more single readings, so if you see this page that means you are still in those 10!

      60 min reading - ± 4 questions

      Private reading 60 min


      90 min reading - ± 7 questions

      90 minute session


      Before the Reading:
      When you click the "Book now" button, you'll be directed to the checkout page, after succesful payment you will be redirected to a scheduling page where you can select a date and time for your reading that suits you best. At this stage, you can also provide any additional information and even start formulating the questions you'd like to ask during the reading.
      After completing your booking and going through the checkout process, you'll receive an email containing your personal meeting link and a calendar invite. This allows you to add your reading directly to your calendar.After the Reading:
      Following your reading, you will receive both a recording and a written document, both of which are included in the price. We recommend drinking plenty of water after the session and revisiting the reading at least 24 hours afterward to gain further insights.


      In this school, we open an easy and secure gateway for all seekers to connect with the Akashic field. Through our efficient teaching methods and the power of community and accountability, we've made the profound accessible to everyone.Here, we guide the spiritual seeker on a transformational journey, helping them evolve into a divinely guided knower of reality and, most importantly, of oneself.At Akashic Record School, we embrace the belief that magic is real, and it resides within each of us. Our journey begins with the understanding that magic is not a myth, but a profound reality waiting to be unlocked.What makes our school truly exceptional is our unwavering commitment to the power of community. We understand that when seekers come together, their potential multiplies exponentially. Our students don't just learn individually; they grow collectively.Accountability and consistency are the secret sauce to success on this transformative path. We provide the structure and support to ensure that your spiritual journey is not only enlightening but also deeply fulfilling. With us, you're never alone on this path.

      In 2022, a remarkable journey began when Philip Elisa, an enthusiastic explorer of the Akashic Records, received a profound revelation. Guided by the very records he had diligently studied, he was instructed to be a teacher in this mystical realm. Though initially met with skepticism and hesitation, it soon became evident that a transformative shift was underway. A new, more efficient and fresh version of the teaching of this ancient practice was born.This school is here to serve the awakening for a new generation of exceptional readers.Imagine being cradled within the loving embrace of the Akashic Field, a realm that showers you with boundless, unconditional love and offers crystal-clear guidance on how to align with your truest self. Your soul, a radiant traveler in this vast cosmic tapestry, carries with it a sacred set of missions and contracts. The Akashic Field stands as your celestial compass, helping you synchronize with your soul's purpose and, collectively, as more individuals align with their missions, ushering in a vision of heaven on Earth.The question that remains is this: Are you ready to harmonize with your soul's missions and embody the purpose that resides within you?

      Privacy Policy

      IntroductionWelcome to AkashicRecordSchool.com! We, at Akashic Record School, value your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information. This privacy policy outlines how we collect, use, store, and share your data when you visit our landing page website and use our email form. Please read this policy carefully to understand how we handle your information.Information We Collect1. Personal Information: When you use our email form to get in touch with us, we may collect your name and email address. This information is used solely for communication purposes and is not shared with any third parties except as mentioned below.Data Usage and Processing1. Use of Data: We use the data collected through the email form to respond to your inquiries, provide you with relevant information about Akashic Record School, and for any other communication related to our services.
      2. Associated Company: Our associated company, No Ego based in Dongen, NL, has access to the data collected through the email form. However, they are bound by the same privacy policy as us and are not allowed to use the data for any other purposes than the ones outlined in this policy.
      Cookies1. Minimal Cookies: AkashicRecordSchool.com uses minimal cookies that are necessary for the proper functioning of the website.Third-party Vendors1. Payment Processing: While we do not allow third-party vendors to process data collected through the email form, we use a third-party payment processor to handle any transactions related to our services securely. This is done through Stripe and is not linked with the website.Google Analytics
      We use Google Analytics to collect and analyze information about the usage of our website. Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses cookies to help us analyze how users interact with our website. The information generated by the cookies about your use of our website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States.
      Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of our website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators, and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google's behalf.You can opt-out of Google Analytics by using the Google Analytics Opt-Out Browser Add-On, which is available at: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.Please note that we do not use Google Analytics to collect personally identifiable information about our users. The information collected is used solely for the purpose of improving our website and better understanding the needs and preferences of our users.By using our website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above.For more information about Google Analytics and how it handles your data, please refer to Google's Privacy Policy at https://policies.google.com/privacy.Location of Processing1. Data Processing Location: The data collected through our email form is processed in the USA, where Akashic Record School is based.Children's Privacy1. Children's Access: Although our website is accessible to children, we do not target or knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13. If you are a parent or guardian and believe that your child has provided us with personal information, please contact us, and we will promptly remove such information from our records.Security1. Protection against Unauthorized Access: Akashic Record School has implemented security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.User Rights1. Access, Rectification, Erasure, and Objection: You have the right to access, rectify, erase, and object to the processing of your personal data. If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact us using the information provided below.Contact UsIf you have any questions or concerns regarding this privacy policy or the way we handle your data, please contact us at:- Name: Philip Elisa
      - Email: connect@akashicrecordschool.com
      Changes to this Privacy PolicyWe may update this privacy policy from time to time to reflect changes to our data practices. Any modifications will be effective immediately upon posting the updated policy on this page.Last Updated: 8-8-2023

      Cookie Policy

      IntroductionWelcome to The Akashic Record School's website (https://akashicrecordschool.com). We are dedicated to providing a platform for individuals interested in enrolling in our Akashic Record School. As part of our commitment to ensuring transparency and protecting your privacy, we want to inform you about the use of cookies on our website.What Are Cookies?Cookies are small pieces of data stored on your device (computer, smartphone, or tablet) when you visit a website. They are commonly used to improve your browsing experience, store your preferences, and analyze website traffic.How We Use CookiesAt The Akashic Record School, we utilize cookies solely provided by the website builder Carrd to enhance your user experience and make our website more efficient.The cookies we use are classified into the following categories:1. Necessary CookiesThese cookies are essential for the operation of our website. They enable you to navigate through the site and use its features, such as accessing secure areas or submitting forms.Your Cookie ChoicesUpon visiting our website, you have the option to accept or decline the use of cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser settings to decline cookies if you prefer. However, please note that disabling cookies may affect the functionality of certain parts of our website.Third-Party CookiesWe do not use any third-party cookies on our website other than those provided by Carrd. We have no control over the cookies used by Carrd, and their usage is subject to their respective cookie policies.Your ConsentBy continuing to use our website, you consent to the use of cookies as described in this policy.Contact UsIf you have any questions or concerns about our Cookie Policy, please don't hesitate to contact us at connect@akashicrecordschool.com.

      Terms and Conditions for Akashic Record School by No Ego

      Welcome to Akashic Record School which is a initiative of the company No Ego ("the Company," "we," "our," or "us") based in Dongen, The Netherlands. These Terms and Conditions ("Terms") govern your use of our website, products, and services. By accessing or using our website and services, you agree to be bound by these Terms. Please read them carefully.Spiritual and Channeling Practices DisclaimerOur services, including but not limited to spiritual readings, channeling sessions, and educational courses (collectively, "the Services"), are designed to offer insights, guidance, and knowledge drawn from spiritual and metaphysical beliefs.Nature of the Services: Please understand that the Services provided by The Akashic Record School are rooted in spiritual and metaphysical practices. They are intended for personal enrichment and entertainment purposes only and should not be interpreted as professional advice, including but not limited to, medical, legal, or financial guidance.User Responsibility: As a seeker of spiritual insight, you acknowledge and agree that the interpretation and application of any guidance or information received through our Services is at your sole discretion and risk. You are encouraged to reflect upon any advice or insights provided but should always consider your personal circumstances and, where appropriate, seek advice from qualified professionals in the relevant field before making decisions.Limitation of Liability: The Akashic Record School and its representatives are not responsible for any actions taken by you or any other individual based on the guidance provided through our Services. By engaging with our Services, you agree to release The Akashic Record School, its affiliates, and its service providers from any and all claims, demands, and damages of every kind and nature, known and unknown, arising out of or in any way connected with your use of the Services.Assumption of Risk: You acknowledge that you voluntarily engage in and access our Services with the understanding of the nature of spiritual and channeling practices. You agree to assume responsibility for any risks, injuries, or damages, known or unknown, which you might incur as a result of participating in these practices.Agreement: By accessing and using the Services provided by The Akashic Record School, you affirm that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by the terms of this disclaimer. If you do not agree with these terms, please refrain from using our Services.We hope your journey with us is enlightening and enriching. Thank you for choosing The Akashic Record School.

      Legal Note: Non-Refund Policy for Quantum Wellness Event
      Please be advised that all ticket purchases for the Quantum Wellness event are subject to a strict non-refund policy effective 14 days prior to the event date. This policy applies to all attendees without exception.

      Non-Refund Policy Details:
      1. Effective Date: The non-refund policy becomes effective 14 days before the event date.
      2. No Exceptions: Refunds will not be issued for any reason, including but not limited to changes in personal circumstances, travel issues, or medical emergencies.
      3. Transfer of Tickets: While refunds are not permitted, attendees may transfer their tickets to another individual. All ticket transfers must be approved by event organizers.
      4. Event Cancellations: In the unlikely event that the Quantum Wellness event on Consciousness is canceled or rescheduled by the organizers, attendees will be notified promptly and provided with options for rescheduled attendance or a full refund.

      By purchasing a ticket, you acknowledge and agree to this non-refund policy. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to your participation in this transformative experience.

      Quantum Wellness Event Team

      Contact Information and Data UsageCollection of Contact Information: By providing us with your contact information, including but not limited to your name, email address, and phone number, you agree to allow The Akashic Record School ("we", "us", "our") to communicate with you regarding your inquiries, our services, and any other information we deem necessary to enhance your experience with us. Your provision of contact information is voluntary and based on your consent, aimed at enabling us to serve you to the best of our abilities.Purpose of Collection: Your contact information is collected solely for the purpose of establishing communication with you, addressing your queries, and providing you with the support and services you request from us. We are committed to offering personalized assistance and ensuring that your dealings with us are as effective and beneficial as possible.Data Safety and Security: We prioritize the security of your personal data. We implement a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of your personal information when you enter, submit, or access your personal information. These measures include, but are not limited to, data encryption, secure servers, and restricted access to your data by authorized personnel only.Data Sharing and Disclosure: The Akashic Record School will not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer your personally identifiable information to outside parties without your explicit consent, except as necessary for providing the services requested by you or as required by law. This does not include trusted third parties who assist us in operating our website, conducting our business, or servicing you, so long as those parties agree to keep this information confidential.Your Rights: You have the right to access, correct, or delete your personal information stored with us at any time. Should you wish to exercise these rights, please contact us using the contact information provided on our website.Changes to the Terms of Service: We reserve the right to update or modify these terms at any time without prior notice. Your continued use of our services following any changes signifies your agreement to the new terms.
      General Terms

      1. Agreement to TermsBy accessing or using our website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree with these Terms, you must not use our website or services.2. Privacy PolicyYour privacy is important to us. Please review our Privacy Policy to understand how we collect, use, and disclose information about you. By using our website or services, you consent to the practices described in our Privacy Policy.3. Intellectual PropertyAll content, materials, designs, logos, and trademarks displayed on our website or provided as part of our services are the property of Akashic Record School by No Ego and protected by applicable intellectual property laws. You may not use, reproduce, distribute, or modify any content without our prior written consent.4. Use of ServicesOur website offers educational services and products. You agree to use our services for lawful purposes only. You shall not engage in any activity that may harm, disrupt, or interfere with the proper functioning of our website or services.5. Account RegistrationTo access certain features of our website and services, you may need to create an account. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account credentials and for all activities that occur under your account. You must provide accurate and complete information during the registration process. If you suspect any unauthorized use of your account, you must notify us immediately.6. Payment and BillingWhen purchasing services or products from Akashic Record School by No Ego, you agree to provide accurate payment information. You authorize us to charge the applicable fees to your chosen payment method. Prices and fees are subject to change without notice, and any such changes will not affect orders already placed.7. Refund PolicyWe strive to provide high-quality services and products. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, please contact us within 30 days of the purchase date for a refund. Refunds will be issued at our sole discretion and in accordance with our Refund Policy.8. Third-Party LinksOur website may contain links to third-party websites or resources. Akashic Record School by No Ego is not responsible for the content, accuracy, or availability of these third-party websites. Accessing and using these links is at your own risk, and we recommend reviewing their respective terms and policies.9. TerminationWe reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to our website and services at any time for any reason, including but not limited to violations of these Terms. Upon termination, any rights and licenses granted to you shall cease, and you must immediately stop using our website and services.10. Disclaimer of WarrantiesAkashic Record School by No Ego provides its website and services on an "as is" and "as available" basis. We make no warranties, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of our content or services. Your use of our website and services is at your own risk.11. Limitation of LiabilityIn no event shall Akashic Record School by No Ego or its affiliates, partners, directors, officers, employees, or agents be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages arising from your use of our website or services.12. IndemnificationYou agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Akashic Record School by No Ego and its affiliates from any claims, damages, losses, liabilities, costs, and expenses arising out of or related to your use of our website or services or any violation of these Terms.13. Governing LawThese Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Netherlands. Any disputes arising out of or relating to these Terms shall be exclusively subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Netherlands.14. ModificationsWe reserve the right to update or modify these Terms at any time. Changes will be effective immediately upon posting on our website. Your continued use of our website and services after the changes will signify your acceptance of the updated Terms.15. Entire AgreementThese Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and Akashic Record School by No Ego concerning the subject matter herein and supersede all prior and contemporaneous communications and proposals, whether oral or written.Thank you for choosing Akashic Record School by No Ego. Should you have any questions or concerns about these Terms, please contact us at connect@akashicrecordschool.com